Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Collision In the Aegean Sea

As many of you already know, I have an interest in all things to do with the sea, so you will not surprised to find the odd maritime related report on this site also. Accident investigation also takes place at sea and the following photographs relate to one which happened near the Dardenelles Strait of Bocaada Island on the 27th of June 09 at  22:00 hrs.


The collision involved the Maltese registered MV Marti Princess (Imo 9519377) 6019 ton, which was built in 2008 and had just departed the port of Gemlik bound for France, with a cargo of 8000 tonnes of cement and the German owned MV Renate Schulte (Imo 9057147) 14619 ton, which was built in 1994 and was inbound for the Tuzla Shipyard near Istanbul, after leaving Morocco.

Renate-Schulte SB Aft View

Both vessels were stabilised to avoid pollution and carefully separated on Wednesday the 1st of July at 10:20 hrs local. Although none of the crew onboard both vessels were seriously injured a major investigation has been commenced by both respective maritime authorities  to establish the cause of such a collision in open water.  

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