Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Run to Scotland

It was a damp Sunday morning in August when Eddie and I set of for the 30 mile run up to Belfast to catch the 07:40 HSS sailing to Scotland.

We had availed of the cheap £30 day return offer that Stenaline had kindly promoted during the summer months, which included both breakfast and an evening meal. Its amazing what a company can do when they put their minds to it, its normally around a £110 for a return ticket now days.

After a brief run around the Galloway hills we headed for Ayr to meet up with "Dougz" Wright who had ridden down from Glasgow to meet us, and have a bite of lunch together. The day passed quickly and before long it was time to say goodbye and head for the ferry via the coast road as I wanted to view the deck lay out of the "BAJIN" in Dunure harbour so as I can fit out my own yawl the same way for the mackerel fishery. Perhaps Stena will continue the motorcycle trip promotion with similar offers, over the coming months.