Wednesday, November 30, 2005

"The County Mountie"


I`m Big Jimmy, known to many as "The County Mountie". Thank you for taking the time to view this blog site as our main web site which hosted the details and photographs of our recent bike trips has been withdrawn from public viewing for the time being.

In the mean time you can follow one of our members on his travels around the world at:


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Well what can I say about Mr Cairns that this photo has not already done.
If your a lonely middle aged lady with plenty of cash, why dont you join him on some of his bike trips.
You will sure enjoy his company!

"The Boyz"

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Well you can see why some cheeky folk called us the "Over the Hill Angels".

Surely we are not that old looking!!

Sadly given that we all live in different parts of the UK it is not possible for us all to ride together all of the time. This has resulted in the club members mainly riding in two or three separate groups throughout the years, that said we all are still part of "The Garage Motorcycle Club"

No one person controls with whom or where we ride as it is impossible for any given date and time to suit every member of the club.